This thread started with a person trying to find an
antenna that would work reasonably well that does not
take up much space.  While in theory, you are correct
the practical aspects of making a very small antenna
for low frequencies lead to impossible parameters. 
The radiation resistance of a dipole 2 meters long for
3.8 mHz is about 0.134 ohms.  Since placing such an
antenna in free space would require the assistance of
NASA we need to assume that it is a bit lower.  If we
assume that the person cannot or does not want to
erect a tall mast, probably a height of about 3 meters
would be reasonable to expect.  This would make for a
radiation resistance of about 0.006 ohms and need. 
The capacitive reactance will require 397 microhenrys
to cancel out which in turn will require a coil 4
inches in diameter and about 24 inches long with 160
turns (about 168 feet of wire).  Then you would need
an 8333/1 balun transformer with its associated wire
resistance.  Clearly not a very practical way to make
an antenna that would radiate straight up and would
have a bandwidth less than required for a single
sideband signal.  Now if you have theoretical
inductors and capacitors and  no resistance wire
available to you, maybe you can do better.
(Calculations by EZNEC)

A more practical solution for a ham that cannot afford
or is prohibited from putting up a large antenna is a
mobile antenna attached to a porch rail or rain gutter
or whatever metal that is available.  Better is the
common trap vertical.  If a person has a bit of space
and can erect a 30 or 40 foot mast all sort of
possibilities present themselves.

This has certainly been an interesting thread and can
go on forever if we choose.  Hams have been designing,
trying and debating antenna designs since Marconi
started it all and I don't think it will end soon.

73 to all, Cookie, K5EWJ

--- John Magliacane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When it comes to antenna efficiency, it is important
> to understand
> that when RF energy is applied to any antenna, three
> things will
> invariably happen:

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