Hi Everyone,

The delay of the second receiver option is to me both highly regrettable and somewhat deceptive. I, for one, based my purchase decision greatly on this option being ready for prime time which is obviously was not and apparently will not be any time soon. Production delays are forgivable and understandable but discovering that this option which is touted as a big-time feature but is really no where near ready is confidence deflating.

I have been personally patient waiting for my K3 (as are many others) and occasionally publicly supportive on this list of the delays that Elecraft has been experiencing. Now we discover that a MAJOR K3 feature is no where near production ready, if even designed at this time. Come on....

As for me, I'm reassessing my purchase decision and may wait until the K3 project has matured.

I have bought lots of transceivers over the years and this was to be the first I ever considered buying in its first year. I now wondering if I should still make that exception.

The Ten Tec Omni VII has a 5.0 Review rating out of 25 reviews on Eham and may be a worthy and fully developed competitor.

Very disappointed in all of this.

Elecraft does a lot of great things but this one was really lame.

Flame away. I could care less.

My $.02

73 de N1LQ-Dave

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