Double Ooops?

Same here although I never went back to read the
instructions - installed ONE felt washer, set the knob
with minimal friction - could not be happier...

Time to change the doc? !!! ;-)

[Elecraft] K3 Tuning Knob (was: K3 Tops the List!)
Bill W4ZV btippett at 
Sun Feb 17 16:53:34 EST 2008 

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Tops the List!) 
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Barry N1EU wrote:
> I also found the K3 to be a great performer in the
tough condx this
> weekend.  
> I must quibble a bit about the tuning knob however. 
I find it just about
> impossible to adjust it for slight damping without
feeling asymmetric drag
> against the felt washer.  I can't get it to feel
smooth, yet damped.  I've
> been very careful in making slight adjustments and
just can't find a sweet
> spot.  I'm not loving the felt washer adjustment
system - am I missing
> something?

Likewise here operating single band 160 in the
contest.  I have 306 Qs in 74
countries before our final hour of darkness, including
at least two other
K3s (VP6DX and F5VJC).  I've not heard *any* IMD
products the entire weekend
and this included Friday night when I operated with
the preamp on just to
see if I might induce some (before the QRN front then
over Texas got

Regarding the Main VFO knob, when I finished my unit I
found I had a felt
washer left over.  Re-read the instructions and found
I only installed one
washer...oops!  However, my knob action is silky
smooth, spins freely and
yet has positive action and never counter-rotates when
it stops.  That's
exactly how I like it so I'm not adding the second
washer.  Others may want
more friction but this is perfect for me.  

73,  Bill  W4ZV

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