Is there a radio club in the Boulder area then? I am visiting this summer.
Depending on timing, I may have a K3 and it would be great to visit.


Augie Hansen wrote:
>  From my posting from last week:
> - Ordered (with 50% deposit) 6 June 2007 with subsequent modifications.
> - Received and responded to "Lisagram" late Tuesday, 12 Feb 2008.
> - Called by Madeline for final payment info on Thursday, 14 Feb.
> - Received UPS shipping notice late that same day. Scheduled delivery is 
> 19 Feb.
> Update:
> - Received K3/100 kit today (Tuesday, 19 Feb) as promised.
> Now I have a big decision to make. Should I drive up to Boulder from 
> Denver to see Rob Sherwood's talk or stay home and assemble my new toy?
> Other alternatives that I've considered that would give Rob another K3 
> sample to test:
> - Assemble it when I get back home around midnight. No - I really need 
> my beauty sleep and generally function badly when I'm tired.
> - Let Rob assemble and align it himself. No - someone will say he's too 
> expert and that would bias the results.
> - Assemble it later when my workload permits. But I might be 
> "disqualified" for being an electronics engineer and firmware developer 
> who might tweak the performance in Elecraft's favor.
> - Have my daughter, an art historian, assemble and align it. Oops, can't 
> do that - she's living in France.
> Oh my, what to do?
> Gus Hansen
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