Here's another system:


What you really need is a method of identifying the actual ssb speech waveform, extracting the noise from it leaving the signal in the clear. There is a company in Germany that produces an outboard unit that I find very effective without the degradation in the audio. Audio demo here

I use a pair of their DX-21 kit modules and feed the left/right stereo output into each one so I get
independent NR control of each channel.
There is an Eham review here

By using a pair I also retain the audio fx and binaural I-Q.
You would need to contact the company about the availability of the DX21 modules as I see they are no
longer shown on the site.

I find the combination of a receiving antenna (I use a rotatable 1530 loop) and the outboard noise reduction very effective on 80/160 grey line SSB weak signal work for instance.

Anyway, something to think about.

73 to all
Trevor  G0KTN

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