That's just bogus!  Its NOT the speed that you need to get competent at.
It's the speed that many people may be competent at but not all of us.  If
you guys are going to continue to tell people that they need to get
competent at 25-35 then you can simply kiss CW goodbye.  If people
(especially DX an DXpedition type stations) are unwilling to slow down and
give new CW ops some of the fun contacts then why would we be willing to
want to continue to learn CW?  So we can become one of the rest of the
elitist snobs who won't slow down for someone?

I remember when I was at 5WPM and it was almost impossible to get someone to
talk to me!  Heck I knew it was slow even I was thinking it was painful when
it was as fast as I could go.  Now I'm up to 11 to 13WPM and its easier to
find people to talk to but if someone is calling CQ at 5WPM that's the guy
I'm all over trying to talk to at HIS speed as that's a new guy to be
brought into the fold.  If we keep running people off from CW and telling
people to get proficient at 25-30 WPM that's the attitudes that gets CW
dropped from the test requirements!


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of G3YMC
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 6:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] VP6DX scraping the bottom

M0XDF wrote:
> G3YMC has had a 5w CW QSO - ok, he has to be a No.1 QRP guy, but it's
> possible to do.

Well yes, I was glad to make a QSO, DXCC number 223 on QRP. But I would
certainly not say it was easy and it took quite a few mornings before I
managed it. I also made quite an effort on 80m and 30m CW though didn't
quite make it although a couple of times I got the impression the op was
hearing me but couldn't quite read my call (but that is pure speculation
from my part). The thing which has amazed us over here in the UK is the
phenomonal strength of their signals. This morning they were peaking 599 on
the meter on 80m, and my antenna is lousy to work anything on 80m never mind
a chap in the Pacific....

As for working spit, that is the way, and the only way you will make a QSO.
DXPeditions simply do not work co-channel and although a 25kHz split is
rather more than the norm it worked well in this case. Obviously the KX1
falls down here though and cannot do such a wide split. As for speed,
25-35wpm is the norm for most of HF dx and contest work and that is the
speed you need to get competent at, sorry.

73/72 Dave G3YMC
K2 #2298

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