On Wednesday 27 February 2008 04:23:19 pm Brett Howard wrote:

> Personally I take pride in working with the slower guys as I
> know how frustrating it is when you're slower.

  More than half of my QSL cards for Worked All States CW from England
are from novices I contacted in 1979 - 1980 between 21.1 and 21.2 MHz.
One YL thanked me on her card for slowing down to her 5 wpm and she has
been a friend ever since.  I have half a dozen or so cards from USA
novices where I was their first DX and one who was probably terrified
because I was his first ever contact.  It's sad listening to the silence
in that band segment these days.

Ian, G4ICV, AB2GR, K2 #4962
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