
Check Lyle's answer yesterday to similar questions. It is a known problem and the fix is being field tested right now. You can expect the firmware release to fix it in about a week according to Lyle.


Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
With the K3, the messages play fine, but after one finishes, if I use the mic, the radio starts out at lower power and takes 2-4 seconds to build back up to high power. This is the same whether using the front or rear input and whether using high or low gain.

I've noticed the very same thing with the microHAM microKEYER II and its software DVK. I have not had time to further diagnose the issue and check it with other interfaces but it is quite pronounced. There is no difference if using FP.L or FP.H when the MK II output is adjusted for four to five bars of ALC. Bias is OFF and the microphone output of microKEYER II is capacitive coupled (top and bottom) so there is no "DC effect." I will not have time to look at this issue further until later in the week. 73, ... Joe, W4TV
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