Does the advice for setting up soundcard digital modes given here:

become effective when using this new version? Specifically:

"If you try and trick the system and run with *zero* ALC bars in
PSK31, the ALC has to work hard to give you your requested power - or
maybe it will think there is insufficient signal to work with - and
your Tx S/N may suffer. So, *please* set it to 4 bars in soundcard
"digital" modes."

This sounds right given the description of the ALC changes.

Yes, I wrote this when running a version of code that was the precursor to the latest release. The downstream "ALC" works a bit differently now, but the message is correct.

The intent of the DSP code is that 4 bars are best for DATA A (and thus AFSK) modes.

Let me know if you have problems with this. We're working hard to get it right!


Lyle KK7P

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