Yes. I've used the program "CW GET" for that purpose for some years. 

As Amateur operators spend more and more time with "machine CW" from their
keyers, quite frankly they are becoming poorer at copying CW. If it's not
perfect Morse many simply cannot copy it. 

Nothing teaches "machine" sending like sending to a dumb machine!

I've never had trouble understanding what NN M A  followed by DE and a call
sign means ;-) 


-----Original Message-----

On Wed, 21 May 2008 21:05:00 -0600, Dale Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Using an automated reader.. is a good good thing... to practice sending 
>to. It can be done with any machine... but it will garuntee that it will
improve your sending. Even as far back as the Vic20 could be used, and
sending to it, will fix the problems... way before you get to be known as
"that guy that can't send his QTH" or some such.
>  Try sending a page or two from QST, to a reader... or send a q or two. it
>Another trick is to use a recorder.... record your next Q...   then wait
two days... 
>play it back... you will hear yourself in a different way than ever before.

>  Try it... you will be amazed.--... ...--Dale - WC7S in Wy

I agree completely!

Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

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