Yes, PITCH would seem like a good choice for the signal pitch
adjustment. Or perhaps signal pitch could be made an additional option
for the RIT/XIT control when RIT/XIT is off? (RIT is already an
optional coarse tune control and has also been suggested as an
optional band switch.)

For sidetone pitch adjustment, perhaps MON could allow it with a 2nd
push? Then you'd have sidetone pitch and volume with a single control.
Makes sense?


On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 22:50:48 -0400, Steve Ellington wrote:

>How about eliminating the tone when pushing either "pitch" or "mon" and only 
>producint the tone when pushing "spot"? That seems like a good compromise. 
>That way we could change pitch or st level mid-QSO and still have the tone 
>available when we want it.
>Steve Ellington
>----- Original Message ----- 
>To: <>
>Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 10:25 PM
>Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Sidetone Monitor Preference Opinions
>> On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 18:21:17 -0500, Nick, WA5BDU wrote:
>>>Adjust pitch without hearing it?  I can't imagine that.
>> I wasn't suggesting that the ability to adjust sidetone pitch be
>> eliminated. Merely that we have the additional ability to
>> interactively adjust the pitch of the received signal. Yes, both
>> pitches are the same. But as it is now you cannot hear the effect on
>> the signal itself while adjusting PITCH-- the received audio is cut
>> off and the sidetone comes on. This makes it difficult to tell what
>> pitch is optimum for the particular signal and the given reception
>> conditions.
>> IOW, I don't really care what the sidetone pitch is-- one is as good
>> as another. It is the offset pitch of the signal that is important. So
>> why not be able to adjust it for best copy under current conditions?
>> We can adjust the volume of a signal while listening to it; so why not
>> the pitch?  Depending on noise, QRM, keying characteristics, speed,
>> etc. you might want to alter the pitch for better copy. I think it
>> would be useful.
>> 73,
>> Drew
>> AF2Z

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