I wish to applaud those who are deciding to put family budgets ahead of ham radio purchases. Family needs ALWAYS come before hobbies. Always.

The bell-curve peak for amateur radio seems to be middle-age (according to my log book, anyway) or maybe a little past that (I'm 63). This means the majority of us have our kids raised, their education paid for, our personal finances in order, and are in or near our peak earning years. So we can afford a few extra bucks now and then for new gear. However, we weren't always in that situation, and we satisfied ourselves for many years with what are now considered vintage rigs.

To those who find themselves forced to have second thoughts about owning the "latest and greatest," . . . rest easy in your soul. Your day will come. The bulk of your time and money right now belong to the kids you brought into this world. Ham radio can wait.

Thus endeth the sermon for today, with apologies.


Kent  K9ZTV
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