It's a 600 ohm transformer, rated for 7dBm max (about 1.7 Vrms across 600 ohms).

Bob NW8L

But that doesn't mean it distorts or "saturates". It is simply a rating.

My K3 for example on a good Agilent selective level meter starts to distort at -5dB reference to 1 milliwatt into 600 ohms. That's a front panel setting of about 50 on the line output level adjustment. At -5dB the second harmonic is down 58 dB (absolute level of -63 dB mW ). At lower settings it gets better.

While I have not looked inside the radio (and won't bother) the distortion has all the characteristics of a mismatched output device because it clips at about the same level regardless of frequency. If it was that commonly spoke of but elusive to find "core saturation" the point of distortion should change with frequency. That's because the flux level should change with frequency for a constant voltage across the primary as the reactance changes with frequency.

When I reduce line output setting to 25 (whatever that means) the distortion is too close to noise floor to measure accurately.

I would think -10dB below 1 mW, while a bit low from commercial standards, is good enough for any properly adjusted ham radio sound card or audio system. I'm pretty fussy about things that matter, and I think the audio distortion shortfall (at least from what measure) is greatly over rated. It isn't out of line with anything else I use, and is a lot better than some things I won't use.

This is a sample of one unit, but it looks good to me when the level is kept about -10 dB 1 mW into 600 ohms. I can't see a problem in a single tone harmonic distortion test.

73 Tom
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