(was subject KRX3 Questions)

Thanks Bill,

I think I have to restate the question for the group.

Just suppose that main and sub receivers have filters with different
off-sets. It is stated that in some cases a 1Hz beatnote occurs due to
rounding errors.

Question is:

How often does the 1 Hz beat 'note'  occur?
Is it on almost all frequencies, or is it only on say 10 frequencies in
a band or is it there in a part of a band (for axample the beatnote is
there from 1.812.009 until 1.815.004)

(Yes, it will depend on band and on filter offsets but I'd like to hear
some experiences from guys who have tried it. Give me the facts  :-)  )

Thanks in advance,
Arie PA3A

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