Last week I asked K3 Support if single lever paddle support was on the to
"to do" list.  Gary Surrency responded that it was not but would be

within days the answer came back that it would not be supported due to the
small number of users affected. 


At first I was a little annoyed but now I am all right with that decision
because I have found that I can in fact use my Kent paddle with a slap and
dash technique with the K3 internal keyer just the way it is.


1.       I changed my weighting to 1.25 and selected MODE A.

2.       I used the TEXT DECODE function to get feedback.

3.       I made sure I was consistently as fast as possible with my keying
of elements within a character when switching from dot(s) to dash(es).


This technique "cured" my problem of things like CQ being seen NNMET!!!!

Using the TEXT DECODE function also helped with getting rid of unwanted
Farnsworth spacing between characters.  The better I get at hearing CW the
more annoying it becomes.  It also makes sending a more natural rhythm.


BTW, before I worked this method out I hooked up my microHam CW Keyer and
used it and it worked FB with no effort on my part but I resented having an
extra box and extra cables on my desk!  In an attempt to clean up my station
I went back to using the K3 keyer and worked things out!  Not only did I get
rid of the external keyer and cables but now the Kent single lever paddle is
plugged into the paddle jack and so TEXT DECODE as well as TERMINAL mode in
the K3 Utility both work on send and receive.


Jack AE6GC, K3 1433, KX1 1403

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