OK, I understand now. The Gates company (of long ago broadcast equipment fame) made a device they called the "Level Devil" - which worked this way. I had one, and it worked wonders in improving false vox trips. The Level Devil served as a downward expander for signals less than the crossover point, and as a compressor for signals above the threshold. Marvelous gadget - I wish I still had one.

- Jim, KL7CC

Iain MacDonnell - K6IAM wrote:

google is a wonderful tool...


"Downward expander. This type of unit works like the opposite of a compressor, and provides a "ratio" control or attenuation slope. That way the signal is attenuated more highly the lower the signal level is. In fact, if the threshold is set high enough, we could "expand" the dynamics of the signal, increasing its dynamic range, though this is not normally done. The attenuation ratio works in an equivalent way to that of the compressor, defining the amount of a attenuation (compression) that is applied to the signal. These ratios are expressed in dB, so that, for example, 1:6, means a signal that is 1 dB below the threshold will get reduced to 6 dB below it, while a signal 3 dB below the threshold will get reduced to 18 dB below it. Likewise, a 1:3 (one to three) means a signal 1 dB below the threshold will be attenuated 2 dB (as the level will go from -1 dB to -3 dB; we use a negative sign as these levels are below the threshold, which is the 0 dB reference in this case). With a ratio of 1:10 and higher, the expander is considered to work as a pure noise gate, though an ideal gate would have a theoretical ratio of 1:infinity (any level below the threshold would be totally muted). "


Jim Wiley wrote on 09/ 1/08 11:16 AM:
I give up. What is a "downward expander"? It that the same as a compressor? Or is it something that has a "crossover point" that has one action on one side of the crossover, and the opposite action on the other side? All these newfangled terms are simply amazing to us OFs.

- Jim, KL7CC

Lyle Johnson wrote:

An experimental Downward Expander will be available in the K3 firmware in the near future. It has been undergoing some limited testing already

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