Good Evening,
   It was a wonderful day here on the mountain.  Temperature got up to 56 
degrees and the sun was out for most of the day.  It was s great day to cut, 
haul, split, and stack wood.  Not like I need any more wood but it sure does 
feel good to do all the work.  I will sleep well tonight and it is much cheaper 
than a gym membership.  Besides the trees are down and they need to get cleared 
out so I can replant.  
   Yesterday I was waiting for the UPS guy to come when I walked out on the 
deck to listen for his truck.  No sooner did I step out the door when two 
grouse flushed ten feet away.  Then as my heart was racing another popped out.  
Last a third flew up into a tree and watched me for a while before it too left. 
 I have been seeing one out there but I did not know there was a party planned. 
 I could have tossed out some cracked corn and sunflower seeds.  They would 
have enjoyed that.
   Propagation was not so hot on twenty meters this week but seemed OK on forty 
when I listened to it.  Last night I scanned the voice portions of 80 and 40 
and was not induced to make a call.  Did not seem like the right thing to do.  
Oh well, maybe some day.  Looking at Space Weather I find the coronal holes 
have closed and there were two small sunspots.  However, we don't know what 
conditions will be like tomorrow until we start.

Please join us tomorrow evening.
1) Hail signs  (first letter or two of the suffix of your call)
2) NCS help (as well as QSP/QNP <relay> help)
3) Call by time zone (East, Central & Mountain, everybody else)
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4 PM PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7 PM PDT)  7045 kHz
   Stay well,
      Kevin.  KD5ONS

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