The idea of using a 6 meter transverter with a rig that has already 6
It's unbelievable.

I think that Elecraft listens to their customers. Never seen a company
that does so well at this point.

Probably most customers wanted high dynamic range in the HF range and
excellent selectivity (including me). Very few wanted a low MDS on 6m.
Personally I never made one single QSO on 6m until I got the K3, so I
was not even aware of this item.

I have been reading the reflector for quite a while because I built a K2
in the past. When talking/fantasizing about a successor for the K2, it
was always about HF performance and well layed out features for DX-ers
and contesters. So, maybe we forgot to mention that on VHF we might need
a lower MDS?

Cheer up guys, the next generation Elecraft transceiver will certainly
have a lower MDS on VHF and a high dynamic range as well. Elecraft
always listens to their customers.

Arie PA3A

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