Terry and All,
Hmmm! Sure doesn't sound like the Scott I've been dealing with for 8 years?
10 year? I have been using his ACLog program for all that time, and he has
always been very cooperative. I would add, however, that when I inquired if
he had ever thought about offering an adaptation of his logging program for
use on a Pocket PC, he indicated he just hadn't had the time to consider
doing that, and wasn't sure when and if he could. But he was nice enough
about it.
I rather suspect you caught him on a bad day, or possible there was
something conveyed in your original conversation with him (which we don't
really know the content of) that might have come across not quite as you
intended. My wife says I can be that way sometimes, even though it isn't on
purpose. With some 2000 K3's out there in the bushes, and a lot more
coming, I would think Scott might see the benefit of having a K3 version. I
have no idea if he really follows the Elecraft success story though.
Possibly if he hears from more of his customers who now use K3's, he might
be persuaded to give it more priority. So, for whatever good it might do,
I'll drop him an email indicating how much I hope he can find time to
accomodate us. It will take a lot more than just me to have any impact
however. By the way, I have been inclined all these years to recommend
ACLog anytime someone asked. Maybe the way to get Scott's attention is to
ask him if future recommendations should contain a caveat that not all
features of his program will fully integrate with K3's as they do with other
transceivers. Maybe I'll try that approach, but very tactfully (I hope).
Dave W7AQK
----- Original Message -----
From: "Terry Schieler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <elecraft@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 8:20 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3-Problem with DX spot point-&-click and ACLog
Well I spoke with Scott, N3FJP regarding the problems I had with the K3
his ACLog logging program. Although there is a radio selection for
in his CAT software he says it does not support the K3. I offered to help
him (which I've done before) but he said he was afraid if he made changes
ACLog for K3 support it could harm the functionality with other Elecraft
rigs. Matter of fact, he got quite curt with me when I sent him the
Elecraft Programmer's Reference:
" Thanks Scott. Would having the Elecraft K3 Programmer's Reference be of
help? "
" No, again, "fixing" the K3 may introduce problems for other Elecrafts.
73, Scott
Looks like I'll be shopping for a new logging program.
Terry, W0FM
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