Roy, WK4Y wrote:

If it is possible and practical from a programming aspect, the following
would be a nice feature to have in the K3.
To have each menu function screen numbered and a sheet for reference with
the menu settings and there numbers listed.  It would make finding what you
are looking for quicker and easier when in the config. mode.

I agree.  An alternative would be if the printed menu description also
included (in bold) the actual WORDS that the menu abbreviation stood for,
finding the menu you wanted would then be simpler.  As it is now, the
abbreviated words of the menu name are *sometimes* used in the description
and sometimes they are not, leaving one to guess what the abbreviation
“stands for”.  You learn them eventually, but it could be simpler,
particularly as the number of menu items grow. 

Terry, W0FM
K3/100 #474

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