Since I fitted the second receiver, my K3 is running a whole lot warmer,
even on receive with the sub receiver turned off.


In particular the front half of the right hand side panel is almost hot and
the front right hand corner of the top cover is also very warm.


Before the second receiver installation the PA and FP temperatures ran about
the same, in the high 20's if I remember. Just now the FP temperature is
nudging 44 degrees C and the PA is 36 C. This is after the rig has been on
for several hours, receive only, although it quickly heats up to these
temperatures when it is switched on.


I am guessing that the air flow and thus the cooling ability of the rig has
been significantly impaired by the KRX3 and this is causing the very high
temperatures. I wonder if this has any long term reliability implications ?


I also wonder if others are experiencing similar temperature issues with
KRX3's installed as I do not recall seeing any postings on the subject.


Barry Simpson  VK2BJ

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