> Since I fitted the second receiver, my K3 is running a whole lot
> warmer, even on receive with the sub receiver turned off.

The aux DSP adds around 100 mA even when the sub receiver is turned 
off, as I recall, so some increase in temperature is normal. The KRX3 
module itself adds nearly zero current when turned off, and I don't 
believe it could cause any increase in temperature since just due to 
its location above the RF board. When turned on, the KRX3 adds about 
150-200 mA.

All of the components are rated to handle much higher temperatures than 
you normally encounter (typically 70 C). However, I've never seen an FP 
temperature of higher than 41C, so if you're seeing 44C, you might 
check your FP temp calibration.

Even 44C is very unlikely to be a problem.




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