Clearly there's a lot of interest in small transmitting loop antennas, so
here are some links I've collected over the past several years that are
still good detailing the efforts of several Hams (I checked them to make
sure they still work ;-):

Harry, SM0VPO, has several interesting designs including one built on a
"packing crate" about which he wrote:

" I have been placed in a situation where a landlord denied permission to
erect an antenna. Any form of antenna was unreasonable, even a white-painted
broom handle caused interference!! My dartboard frame did not cause any
interference at all..." and so he evolved his novel and stealthy small loop
transmitting antenna. 

He also describes an 80 meter frame antenna. At the site below, click on
"Projects", then "Antennas" and then look at links under Antennas on the
left side of the page for "80 meter frame ant" and "Packing crate ant".


David, PA3HBB/G0BZF has this nice page detailing his work with loops at:

At the time he wrote the page he traveled a great deal and writes, " In
order to fill my evenings with something other than foreign television (or
drinking in the bar), I prefer to sit in my room and work the DX on the
radio. Though this situation may not be typical of all of radio amateurs,
the need for a small, effective and portable antenna will surely hit home
with a number of them." 


As a sign of the interest small transmitting loops generate, one fellow in
Belgium created a very nice page detailing his loops and the work of others
that ended up swamping him with e-mails, so it was relocated under a new

It details making loops as well as ideas for making your own low-loss
capacitors to tune them with. 


DJ3TZ built a small loop using copper tubing shown here: 

It has a nice fairly self-explanatory photo but most of the links on that
page to other pages are now out of date.


There are probably hundreds of other links on the net to interesting
information on STLs, but these are just a few that I've collected over the
years. Some of them are over 10 years old now, and clearly still popular. 



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