At 03:55 PM 12/11/2009 -0700, you wrote:
>Is it really necessary to continue this thread?  My inbox is seeing entirely
>too much drivel like this thread and others on this reflector.
>Bob W6TR


I think this is one of the more interesting threads .... it is certainly on 
a par with (with due respect) "K3 Diversity use with QRN" or "ethernet to 
serial converter"  hi hi  Besides I delete 90% of the postings and keep 
those of particular interest to me for future reference.... goes fast 
hi.  I believe it goes to the heart of some basic Amateur Radio 
philosophies ... the philosophies of power, competition, and 
achievement.  Certainly not drivel.  Personally I am a rag chewer and radio 
experimenter... I guess I don't have that competitive gene hi hi  I have an 
academic interest in getting the most out of the least ... so I enjoy the 
thread as far as technical suggestions on how to eek out additional power 
... but no interest in breaking into the pileup .... that for me is an 
academic interest ...(I usually don't operate on week-ends as there might 
be a contest hi hi)  although I do receive satisfaction in completing a 
weak signal contact.

I notice that the boots were for 160m .... and I think I know why.  Most 
operators use some sort of vertical antenna which by definition will have a 
high level of background noise.  the problem with weak signal operation on 
160m is this background noise.  Even if the signal could be raised 3 db 
over the noise .... you will have such a headache you won't last too long 
hi hi.  The answer is to use a separate receive antenna ....not to raise 
the received signal strength ... but to increase the ratio of signal to 
noise.  Completing a QSO is a 2 way street.  I believe the radio should 
have provision for a receive only antenna as well as noise reduction circuits.

I believe I have improved my 160m weak signal operations more through 
improving my station receiving capabilities than increasing 
power.  Certainly the efforts bring greater rewards.  Just as a sidelight 
... I always enjoyed 160m from way back when I used to call in to an early 
morning net ... shortly after milking time .... almost all the participants 
were farmers.   Everyone operated AM back then hi hi ... and i used a 
Heathkit DX-100 AM transmitter and a military BC348 ? receiver.  The 
equipment has changed but the fun remains.

Jim, VE3CI

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