Eric and all,

I'm probably going to be "hooted" for this post, but I think it is 

First, let me say that I love this reflector.  It is a bastion of excellent 
info, even when it doesn't absolutely, directly, involve an Elecraft 
product.  I thank you for allowing it to be "flexible".  I also think you 
exercise reasonable restraint on topics that tend to wander.

I have one really big problem with this reflector--that is the fact that it 
is so popular!  That's a "plus", and it's a "minus", depending on the time 
of day, the number of sunspots, and so on!

So, what's my problem?  It's the volume of info that comes across this 
reflector.  I don't mind the volume so much as I do the way the host ISP 
handles it.  I have chosen to receive each message as posted because the 
alternative, receiving the digest, is very awkward!  I would much prefer to 
receive the digest, and then just scroll down until I see something that 
doesn't seem to be of interest.  However, If I use the digest mode, and if 
something is seemingly of interest, I have to scroll down (endlessly) 
through all the posts to get to that particulart post.  So, I subscribe to 
the alternative that sends me every post, and I wear out my delete key!

The Yahoo groups have a much better system.  If you opt for the digest mode, 
you can simply scroll through a summary of the posts, and click on the post 
you want to view, then go directly to that post.  That is a huge advantage 
on those reflectors, particular if they are anywhere as popular as this one.

I'm sure I'm spitting in the wind, but I wish so much that this reflector 
was hosted by Yahoo, or some other system that provided that sort of 
benefit.  I think it would alleviate a lot of the complaints we see/hear 
from others about various "OT' posts as well.

This is a very big reflector (as far as the number of daily posts--I 
frequently get a hundred or more posts each day on this reflector alone), 
and I think it is worthy of a better system for managing the monitoring 

I am not suggesting Yahoo specifically, but surely there is a choice out 
there that excels over  If cost is a factor, I would gladly 
contribute to alleviate any concerns that might create.

I realize that changing hosts can be a significant decision, but I think it 
is justified.  You have created a premier reflector, and I think it deserves 
a premier host!  I don't know if there are issues with Yahoo that make it a 
bad choice, but I can't believe there isn't a better host that QTH with more 
user friendly features.

My apologies if this is an issue that has been discussed and abandoned 
before--if it is, I don't recall.  My apologies if this is invasive of your 
reflector management.  I'm simply trying to express my feelings as an 
appreciative user.

So, shoot me!

Dave W7AQK

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 11:12 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Elecraft email List Official Guidelines 2010

> Elecraft Mail LIST GUIDELINES 2010
> For those of you who are new to the list, (and for those of us who have
> rapidly failing memories..), here is a quick list of things to remember 
> when
> posting to this list. Please save this for future reference.
> The most important thing to remember is that this is only a hobby - Let's
> have fun! The PRIMARY purposes of this list are to provide a forum for
> discussing Elecraft products, share mods, new ideas, feedback to Elecraft, 
> share
> troubleshooting ideas etc.
> 1. YOU MUST BE SUBSCRIBED to the [Elecraft] list TO POST to it. (This is
> done to stop advertising spammers from hitting the list.) Any postings 
> sent
> to by addresses different from the exact ones it
> shows as subscribers will be rejected.
> This includes alias (forwarded) addresses like If you use 
> an
> alias to subscribe you must have it as your from: and return address too.
> Subscribing with from your physical address of
> will allow you to receive postings, but your postings to
> the list will be rejected if their from: and reply to: address does not
> match your subscribe address..
> Go to to subscribe and to
> change your list preferences. To unsubscribe or to change your list
> preferences (digest, no mail on/off etc.), scroll to the bottom of the 
> page
> and log in with your subscribed email address and the password that was 
> sent
> to you by email when you subscribed (and monthly afterwards.)
> 2. If you want to provide an attachment, .JPG picture or other large
> file for use on the list, first post it to your personal web
> page and then post a link to its address in an email to the list. The list
> strips all attachments to prevent viruses from propagating and to keep
> the archives at a reasonable size.
> 3. Please keep the amount of copied text from previous posts to an
> -ABSOLUTE MINIMUM- in your replies.
> Always delete -everything-  from the prior
> post except what is necessary to keep your reply in context. Most copied
> messages can be reduced to one or two sentences to retain context. 
> Remember to
> delete the email list footer from the previous post and especially avoid
> copying a long posting and adding 'Me Too!' or something similar. As the
> number of users on this list grows (over 1500 now) we need to work to 
> minimize
> information overload... If a reply is -not- of interest to the list, just
> reply directly to the posting party.
> If you are overloaded by the volume of individual messages on the list,
> You can view the daily Elecraft list messages for each month in web
> format at: . These archives are updated
> hourly and list postings by subject. (the nabble archive looks very 
> useful.)
> Just click on the ones you are interested in to read.
> You can also set your Elecraft list email preferences to 'no mail' 
> delivery,
> which still allows you to post to the list when reading via the digest.
> You can also change your subscription to the DIGEST version, which sends 
> you a
> single compilation each day.
> To change your email list options or to subscribe / unsubscribe, go to:
> Scroll to the bottom of the page to log into your preferences page and set
> your mail options to 'no mail'.
> 4a. Please make an effort to keep list volume under control by resisting 
> the
> urge to post a comment on every long discussion thread (CW, Soldering 
> etc.) With
> close to 6,500 list subscribers volume can quickly get out of control if
> everyone feels the need to comment. While we do not overly restrict the 
> subject
> matter on this list, please remember that its primary focus is on Elecraft
> products, and their use. Many people rely on it for pointers on building 
> and
> troubleshooting their kits. Other ham Radio topics are OK, but please keep 
> the
> posts on non-Elecraft topics under control.
> 4b. *** [NEW] When emailing about a specific rig or option, please add the
> rig/option name(s) to the first part of your email subject line. (K1, K2, 
> K3,
> KX1 etc.) This will be a huge help for those experiencing email overload 
> and
> will allow automatic filtering based on subject line.
> Examples: "Subject: [K3] Filter Options"
>            "Subject: [KX1] How to use ped portable?"
>            "Subject: [XG2] Wow! Its a big help.
> Restrain the urge to email someone admonishing them about a posting.
> The last thing we want to do is to scare anyone off the list. Overly 
> aggressive
> postings and negative comments about other posters only serve to scare 
> away new
> potential list members.
> Waiting over night before hitting 'send' really helps to put things in
> perspective.. ;-)
> If you have a complaint about someone or a thread please email it directly
> to me ( eric(at) ) and I'll address it.
> 5a. Please do not post publicly or privately asking people to stop a 
> particular
> thread, no matter how long, off topic or repetitive it gets. Email me 
> instead. I
> will step in when I feel it is necessary to end a thread.
> (eric(at)
> 5a1. Please exercise restraint in posting when a thread is getting heavily
> covered. 30 posts on one topic in a day (like the recurring CW thread) is
> usually excessive. Please do not vote yay/nay or with 'me too' postings.
> 5b. Please do not post any direct attacks or snide comments directed at a
> list member. Enthusiastic arguments are encouraged, but please keep
> everything cordial. Members who verbally attack another (either via the 
> list
> or via direct email) may be removed from the list.
> As the 'official' list moderator, I'll jump in as necessary to keep 
> everything
> orderly. I do this off line and occasionally to the list when it is
> appropriate. Our goal is to keep the Elecraft list a fun, informative
> central clearing house for Elecraft information and enthusiasm.
> 6. Please POST your technical questions and comments to the list.
> Elecraft owners are your best source for quick answers (and they NEVER
> sleep!) If you don't get the answers you need from the list please email 
> us
> direct at support(at) , which is our customer service address. 
> We
> do try to watch the list traffic, but we may not respond to everything
> immediately and may miss some postings sent to the list or our personal
> addresses.
> 7. Please post your experiences with your Elecraft kit, DX worked, crazy
> ideas, product ideas, complaints (yes - we do want to hear them, but 
> please keep
> it polite :-) .
> 7. Commercial postings are allowed if they relate to Elecraft products, 
> QRP,
> QRO, home-brewing, building etc. and are of interest to this list's
> membership. Please keep them as short as possible and provide web links to
> more detailed information. I'll step in if we feel someone is posting too
> many messages of this type.
> 7a. Please limit commercial postings to one per month per offering or
> product area (i.e. Builder for Hire postings, ham radio related products 
> etc.)
> 8. Personal attacks, flames, or strongly worded derogatory messages will 
> not
> be tolerated.  Please do not criticize postings by others.
> 9. Send parts requests direct to, not to the list.
> 10. If you don't get an answer to a question from the list, or by checking
> the list archives, don't forget to check the Builder's Resource Page at
> and our support email address: 
> 11. And above all, HAVE FUN!. We hope that this list is both a good
> technical resource and serves as a Elecraft community gathering place. We
> enjoy reading it every day and it really helps us keep our energy level 
> high
> so we can continue getting exciting new kit projects out the door to you!
> 73, Eric WA6HHQ
> Elecraft List Moderator
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