
I see you have gotten a few helpful answers.  Let me add something to 
your questions about shift and width.
The shift and width are mostly helpful for CW and possibly DATA modes - 
the SHIFT centers your receive passband.  A rough estimate of the 
passband is shown in the lower left graphic on the LCD display.  You 
should always keep some part of your passband at the CW pitch you are 
listening to (the sidetone pitch), otherwise the signal you wish to 
receive will be attenuated because it is outside the passband.

The width simply narrows the passband - and it narrows it from both 
sides, so as you attempt to use more narrow widths, the setting of the 
shift control becomes more critical.  That is about all there is to 
shift and width.

Now, for SSB, you will find the shift and width more cumbersome to use 
while trying to maintain SSB intelligibility.  The cure is to tap either 
the shift or width buttons so they become LO CUT and HI CUT instead.  
Set the LO CUT at 200 to 300 Hz and leave it there.  Control the width 
of the SSB passband only with the HI CUT knob and you will maintain 
intelligibility as you narrow the passband.
If the band is not crowded and you have no QRM on your desired SSB 
signal, reduce the LO CUT to 150 Hz, and increase the HI CUT to 3.00 kHz 
(or even 3.50) to achieve the best fidelity.  If an interfering signal 
comes in on the (audio) high frequency side of the desired station, 
reduce the HI CUT to try to minimize the QRM - conversely, if the 
interfering signal is on the low frequency end, increase the frequency 
of the LO CUT to eliminate the QRM - one caution, go slowly with the LO 
CUT because if the low end of the passband is much above 350 Hz, you 
will sacrifice a lot of intelligibility for the desired station.

I hope that is helpful.  If you did not understand, please ask again.


Jeff Hall (W6UX) wrote:
> Hi, I've been searching for some operating tips on how to strategically
> employ the following K3 controls:
>  - NOTCH
>  - NR
>  - NB
>  - WIDTH
>  - SHIFT
> As good as the manual is, I still feel like I don't understand how these
> really work and when I should use them to get the best possible results.  To
> date, I've been randomly turning them on and off, adjusting their various
> settings to see what they do.  But I'm hoping some of the experts here can
> explain how and when they like to use each of these controls.
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