Hi all,

Our Man Arnold in his State of California address pushed for a whole bunch of reforms, including putting redistricting in the hands of a non-partisan judges panel.

As you can imagine there's a huge hue and cry. Mostly from partisans who fear accountability, but some from thoughtful citizens worried about replacing "Gerrymandering" with "Arniemandering." After all, can you even trust judges (or those who appoint them) to be totally unbiased? Even if Arnold's a good guy, should we trust his successor?

This brings us back to the question of automated redistricting. We've often discussed how the 'fairest' algorithm would use a measure such as "minimizing lanes of traffic cut by the circumference" by combining census tracts while ensuring equal-population districts. Its easy to get an approximate answer from this criteria using various statistical means, but is there any computationally feasible way to get a *deterministic" answer that is at least near-optimal? Otherwise, I fear that people will either create pseudo-statistical results, or challenge truly random results due to their fear of (random) biases.

Interestingly, I think one could phrase it in terms similar to a voting problem, at least given equal-sized districts. Say we have N individuals in a playground, and they need to form M teams. Each individual uses (honest) cardinal ratings to describe which of their neighbors they'd like on the same team as them (corresponding to shared lanes of traffic). What is the fairest way to create equal-sized teams given those rankings -- without requring an N! M! computation!

My initial guess would be to use a "greedy" algorithm to coalesce individual census blocks into districts by first "healing" the edges of 'widest' connectivity, stopping when you reach the maximum district size. However, that would (in general) result in isolated fragments of sub-par size, meaning we'd need another pass to 'steal' sections back for the starved districts. But would that ever terminate? In fact, no matter how you do it, no purely local algorithm can guarantee global closure, right?

Another option would be to start with M seeds which "repel" so they are maximally dispersed through out the state, then let them grow organically (smallest first). That would probably minimize variance, but not eliminate it. I can't think of anything better than "simulated annealing" (statistical methods) to 'bubble' districts around until they're equal, but that gets back to the random factor. I suppose it then becomes how 'random' can something be and still be acceptable to voters?

I suppose a key question is how precise do we need to be. We obviously can't be more precise than a single tract, which could be 8,000 people (out of 440K), which is 2%. But we probably don't want to be much more divergent than than

The fallback position is of course 'brute-force', but I think that's been tried and failed because it didn't respect 'natural communities'.


Any other thoughts? I can't help but think that some sort of 'four-color' theorem might be relevant, but I'm darned if I know how...

-- Ernie P.

Census tracts usually have between 2,500 and 8,000 persons.
(call it 5000/block, +- 50%)

California has about 22 million eligible voters out of 35 million residents

There are 80 assembly districts,
or one per 275K voters or 440K residents.
Thus, around 80+-20 blocks per district, so pretty fine-grained.

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