I was saying that I determined that both wv and Margins canīt fail FBC, with 3 candidates, if the B voters in my scenario vote A in 2nd place. Thatīs true, unless I made an error in the determination.

Well, with wv, if the B voters truncate, donīt vote for anyone but B, then the C voters donīt have to do anything other than rank sincerely to save B.

With that scenario, with Margins, I couldnīt find a contradiction between the inequalities that must be satisfied in order for the C1 voters to be unable to save B by ranking B equal to C, but able to save B by ranking B over C.

In fact, the Margins WDSC failure example that I posted a few days ago is also a Margins FBC failure example, because the C voters canīt save B by ranking B equal to C, but can save B by ranking B over C. They can get their best outcome, B, only by voting B over their favorite.

So Margins fails FBC, and has an FBC failure example with 3 candidates.

Unless I made an error, thereīs no wv FBC failure example with 3 candidates.

Maybe wv doesnīt fail FBC, but it really seems to me that someone once sent to me an example in which wv failed FBC. Maybe that example wasnīt valid for some reason, and wv passes FBC. I donīt know. Can anyone post a demonstration that FBC doesnīt fail FBC, or an example in which wv fails FBC?

Of course, if it takes a fair amount of work finding a wv FBC failure example, then, for all practical purposes, itīs really as if wv passed FBC, even if it doesnīt.

Likewise PC and GSFC & SDSC. PC passes SFC & WDSC, but hasnīt been shown to pass or fail GSFC or SDSC.

The fact that these things havenīt been demonstated is very different from saying that thereīs a situation in FBC or GSFC doesnīt give a clear answer about whether a method passes. What Iīm saying is only that, in every situation tested so far, PC passes GSFC, and in every situation tested so far, all the wv methods pass FBC.

Some criterion compliance/noncompliance determinations are just difficult. That doesnīt mean thereīs something wrong with the criteria. It would be unreasonable to expect all methods to conveniently and easily show a failure example, or be shown to not have a failure example. Expecially, if there isnīt a failure example, showing that there isnīt one could be quite difficult, even if possible, for some methods. And not just for my criteria.

Mike Ossipoff

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