At 06:02 09.12.99 , Markus Schulze wrote:
>Dear Craig,
>it seems to me that you walked into Saari's trap.
>Although you don't promote the Borda Method, you
>use Saari's geometrical model of elections. But
>Saari's geometrical model of elections implicitely
>presumes that there is an even distribution of

  Why not make it explicit?.

>candidates. Otherwise it wouldn't be possible that
>the Saari cube is spanned only by the candidates
>(and not e.g. also by the voters). But if there is
>an even distribution of candidates, then the Borda
>Method is _obviously_ the unique best possible

The last sentence has got to be totally false.
Proof by hand waving.

>Although you don't yet promote the Borda Method,

I am never going to promote Borda, actually.

>you check every proposed criterion for compatibility
>with Saari's model and you accept a criterion only

I never use probability; rather I use logic of geometry (inequalities
 return Boolean values).

>if it is compatible with Saari's model and you
>reject a criterion if it is incompatible with
>Saari's model. If you keep using Saari's model, then
>in the long run you will necessarily get to the

 that Shulze's tank got bombed, and there may not be any best way
  to help Mr Schulze out  with his arguments. 

When I tried to read Saari's book it was gone (or lost).

Have I ever referred to a cube?. 

The fully general two 3 candidate preferential voting problem, can be
 solved by considering the interior of a tetrahedron (having vertices:
 AB, AC, B, C). I have two A4 sheets here that contain a 1 winner
 IFFP solution derivation. It is based on (P1). Adding (1,1,1,...) to
 (x:A,y:B,z:C,...) makes no difference to winners, etc..

Mr G. A. Craig Carey, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Auckland, New Zealand.
Snooz Metasearch: <>

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