> Jobst wrote:
> > ? 45: A 100 > C 90 > B,D 0?
> > ? 44: B 100 > C 90 > A,D 0?
> > ? 11: D 100 > A,B,C 0 

What if the tentative increases involved more general incremental changes to 
the lotteries? 

Suppose we start with the (45, 44, 0, 11)%  lottery and try averaging in the 
lottery  (0,0,2,1)/3 with respective weights of 100 and three in order to 
arrive at the proposed improvement

(45, 44, 2, 12)/103 .

The respective factions' expectations would go from

(.45, .44, .11), to  approximately  (.454, .445, .117)

100 percent of the voters would find this to be a slight improvement.

Which incremental lotteries should be tried?

Why not  just take suggestions from the candidates, parties, voters, etc.  Then 
keep using the ones that work out best until none of them give any additional 
improvement at the required consensus level.

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