On 2/17/2012 6:49 AM, David L Wetzell wrote:
It seems to me that most folks think the choice is between ranked
choices or party-list PR.  ...

So what do you think?

I don't see this as an either/or choice, nor do I see a viable "both" option being suggested.

So I'll again suggest VoteFair ranking:

VoteFair ranking uses "ranked choices" (1-2-3 ballots and pairwise counting...) for identifying the most popular candidate -- for filling the first seat in a legislative district.

VoteFair ranking fills the second district-based seat with the "second-most representative" candidate. In the U.S., even without asking voters to indicate a party preference, that would usually be the most popular candidate from the opposite party (i.e. the opposite party compared to the first-seat winner).

To further increase proportionality, VoteFair ranking fills some proportional seats based on the favorite party of the voters. (Whichever party has the biggest gap between voter proportion and filled-seat proportion wins the next seat.)

We don't have to choose between proportionality (PR) and ranked methods. We can get both. And in a U.S.-compatible way.

If election-method reform is to happen in the U.S., it has to merge with the reality of the two-party system. And I believe it should accommodate third parties only to the extent that voters are unable to regain control of the two main parties.

As for STV, going beyond two seats easily produces unfair results. And in the U.S. the results also would be quite unstable (i.e. not mesh well with the current two-party system).

Richard Fobes

Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

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