Witold Filipczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Date formats differ among various locales.
> Those used by ELinks in directory listings may not be appropriate for 
> everyone.

Are they appropriate for you?
Do users complain?

> IMHO there are 3 choices:
> - leave them as they are
> - let user to define them
> - use gettext

Are you going to get the "Jan" "Mon" "AM" etc. strings from libc
(via strftime or nl_langinfo) or put them in elinks/po too?
Reading locale data from libc based on the ELinks language
setting is not entirely trivial:

- As was briefly discussed in #ELinks on 2007-04-14, POSIX
  does not specify names of locales, except "C" and "POSIX".
  _nl_find_domain() in elinks/src/intl/gettext/finddomain.c
  already parses names of locales and has to make some
  assumptions on their syntax, but constructing such names
  would require even further assumptions.

- There is also the possibility that the locale is in principle
  supported by libc but has not been installed.  In Debian, this
  is controlled via /etc/locale.gen.  In such cases though, I
  think the users should just ask the sysadmin to install it.

If you put the strings in elinks/po and reimplement strftime,
I think it will be bloat... especially if we ever get a ja.po
and have to add emperor data to support "%EY".  Probably that
won't happen before Shift-JIS charset support though.

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