On Fri, Jul 21, 2006 at 11:39:32AM +0000, Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 21, 2006 at 03:21:56PM +0530, Ligesh wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 21, 2006 at 11:39:45AM +0200, Jonas Fonseca wrote:
> > > Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote Fri, Jul 21, 2006:
> > > 
> > > You could use Esc to get out of the search dialog, but that will cause
> > > the text not to be added to the search history.
> > 
> >  I have mapped 'cancel' to <C-g> which is actually easier. Escape is 
> > literally miles away and pressing it requires you to raise your hands fully 
> > from the typing position. Even with C-g it is hurts, and the reason is that 
> > it isn't the behaviour you expect. Especially once you are so used to vim 
> > or emacs or any normal editor or browser.  And I think it is a bug, since 
> > there you are not really searching for a link, and the link that is finally 
> > loaded is sort of one of the random nearby ones. So it can't be a feature. 
> Literally? As in you took a hacksaw to your keyboard in a fit of rage
> and threw the Escape key on the back of a passing wallaby that ran off
> into the sunset, never to be seen again?  How ghastly!

 Calculate the total distance the hand has to travel everyday in its journey to 
hit that button. It will be more than a mile. :-) A small distance, but summed 
up over a period, becomes more than a mile.  I think to be exact, it should go 
as: Averaged over a day, the escape key is a mile away. The point is that, I am 
a subconscious computer user, and I don't think while typing or doing anything. 
That's the reason I can't use the numbering for navigation. I am sure almost 
all elinks users are similarly handicapped, but since I come emacs-w3m, which I 
personally wrote most of the features for, I would say I am a bit more spoiled. 
But elinks is surprising me everyday. :-) 


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