> AppCommand seems like overkill. We need to prioritize our HTTP requests. 
> Do we really need a drop-in replacement an entire foundational core library 
> to do that? Why not just say "we have a business need to do HTTP requests 
> in a certain way, so everybody on the team, use this way instead of making 
> vanilla elm-http calls" instead?
> Because everyone who reads the Elm guide will have learned that the way to 
> make an HTTP request is to construct a Task and convert it into a Cmd and 
> return that in the second part of the update result. So, I'm looking for a 
> way to say "same routing pattern, different call to create the prioritized 
> request". Keeping code to the same code flow keeps different programmers 
> from finding different ways to update the priority queue in the root model 
> with their request. Instead, they just code mostly like they would 
> otherwise and the root model takes care of the actual priority queue 
> management.

I see where you're coming from on that. I don't personally think that's the 
way to go - personally I would say "we are doing this part differently, 
here is why we're doing it differently, here is how to use it properly" - 
but now I understand the motivation for the drop-in replacement. :)

I haven't personally tried doing anything like that, and I'm not honestly 
sure how it would feel in practice. I'd be curious to know, though!

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