It works!!! :)
Thanks so much for walking me through it (and thanks again for a fantastic 

I do a *lot* of these sorts of these simple transitions so it's definitely 
been worth the effort to get this up and running.

On Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 10:30:37 AM UTC-4, Matthew Griffith wrote:
> Oh!  You need to add the animation subscription as well.
> Sub.batch this with your current subscriptions
> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msgsubscriptions model =
>     Animation.subscription Animate [ model.storyTextStyle ]
> On Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 9:28:25 AM UTC-4, Rex van der Spuy wrote:
>> Thanks Mathew!!
>> I've added your code suggestion, but so far no luck yet (FadeInOut is 
>> called, but not SendStoryComponents)
>> If anyone wants to take a look at the current Main.elm file where all 
>> this code is running, it's here:
>> On Monday, October 3, 2016 at 5:24:43 PM UTC-4, Matthew Griffith wrote:
>>> In your `Animate animMsg` area, you're not returning the cmds, which is 
>>> how the msg is fired :).
>>> Change your code to this:
>>> Animate animMsg ->
>>>       let 
>>>         (newStyle, cmds) = 
>>>           Animation.Messenger.update
>>>             animMsg
>>>             model.storyTextStyle
>>>       in
>>>      ( { model
>>>             | storyTextStyle = newStyle
>>>        }
>>>      , cmds
>>>     )
>>> On Monday, October 3, 2016 at 2:09:57 PM UTC-4, Rex van der Spuy wrote:
>>>> Thanks everyone, I like these ideas!
>>>> Here's what I've got so far - but it's not working... yet! :) 
>>>> Could any of you with more experience with elm-style-animation let me 
>>>> know what I'm doing wrong?
>>>> I've imported Animation and Animation.Messener, exposing State:
>>>> ```
>>>> import Animation
>>>> import Animation.Messenger exposing (State)
>>>> ```
>>>> I created a style for my text called `storyTextStyle`
>>>> ```
>>>>  , storyTextStyle : Animation.Messenger.State Msg
>>>> , storyTextStyle = 
>>>>         [ Animation.opacity 1.0
>>>>         ]
>>>> ```
>>>> I added it to the view, which displays my story output text
>>>> ```
>>>> div [ storyCardStyle ] 
>>>>             [ p ( Animation.render model.storyTextStyle ++ [ 
>>>> storyParagraphStyle ]) [ text model.storyOutput ] ]
>>>> ```
>>>> I have an MDL button that triggers a `FadeInOut` update message:
>>>> ```
>>>> , Button.onClick FadeInOut
>>>> ```
>>>> The `FadeInOut` message and `Animate` message are in the `update` 
>>>> function:
>>>> ``` 
>>>> Animate animMsg ->
>>>>       let 
>>>>         (newStyle, cmds) = 
>>>>           Animation.Messenger.update
>>>>             animMsg
>>>>             model.storyTextStyle
>>>>       in
>>>>      { model
>>>>          | storyTextStyle = newStyle
>>>>      }
>>>>      ! [ ]
>>>>     FadeInOut -> 
>>>>       let
>>>>         newStyle =
>>>>           Animation.interrupt
>>>>             [ [Animation.opacity 0]
>>>>             , Animation.Messenger.send SendStoryComponents
>>>>             , [Animation.opacity 1]
>>>>             ]
>>>>             model.storyTextStyle
>>>>       in
>>>>       { model
>>>>           | storyTextStyle = newStyle
>>>>       }
>>>>       ! [ ]
>>>> ```
>>>> ... all this compiles and I've tested `FadeInOut` with Debug.crash to 
>>>> make sure it's called - and it is definitely being called when I click the 
>>>> button.
>>>> But, my `SendStoryComponents`, which generates the new text to fade is, 
>>>> is never called.
>>>> Here's `SendStoryComponents` (it uses a port that does some fun stuff 
>>>> with nlp-compromise.js to generate a random story based on user input and 
>>>> story templates)
>>>> ```
>>>> SendStoryComponents ->
>>>>       let
>>>>         words = 
>>>>           model.words
>>>>         toList string =
>>>>           String.Extra.clean string
>>>>           |> String.split " "
>>>>         words' =
>>>>           { places = toList model.places 
>>>>           , livingThings = toList model.livingThings
>>>>           , objects = toList model.objects
>>>>           , actions = toList model.actions
>>>>           , moods = toList model.moods
>>>>           }
>>>>         model' =
>>>>           { model 
>>>>               | words = words'
>>>>           }
>>>>       in
>>>>       (model', sendStoryComponents(model'.words, 
>>>> StoryTemplates.stories))
>>>> ```
>>>> (`SendStoryComponents` does work, if I don't call it through the 
>>>> `FadeInOut` message.)
>>>> Can anyone tell by looking at that why `Animation.Messenger.send` might 
>>>> not be calling `SendStoryComponents` ?

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