
swiper =
     div []
         [ node "swiper-node"
             [ class "block" ]
             [ div [ id "swiperContainer" ]
                 [ div [ class "swiper-wrapper" ]
                     [ div [ class "swiper-slide", style [ ( "height", 
"400px" ), ( "background", "gray" ) ] ] [ text "slide1" ]
                     , div [ class "swiper-slide", style [ ( "height", 
"400px" ), ( "background", "gray" ) ] ] [ text "slide2" ]
                     , div [ class "swiper-slide", style [ ( "height", 
"400px" ), ( "background", "gray" ) ] ] [ text "slide3" ]
                     , div [ class "swiper-slide", style [ ( "height", 
"400px" ), ( "background", "gray" ) ] ] [ text "slide4" ]

<dom-module id="swiper-node">
     (function () {
         is: 'swiper-node',

The rendered HTML is:


Notice the empty `swiper-node`.

The interesting thing is that this happens when the app starts AND `swiper` 
is IN the Elm dom.

However, if
- the app starts
- AND the `swiper` is NOT in the elm dom
- AND on some user event, the `swiper` is added to the elm dom
- it’s rendered correctly


After going through this 
I did the same configuration of:

 window.Polymer = {
   dom: 'shadow',
   lazyRegister: true

And in both cases:
- app starts with `swiper`
- `swiper` is added later

here is the rendered HTML:


Altho we've reached consistency, the `swiper-node` is not being rendered. U 
know how when you hover a dom element in the inspector, it highlights in 
the render window? Well, hovering on any of the  `swiper-node` children, 
shows nothing.

I'm only utilizing Polymer abstraction/component so i can utilize a js 
library in a nice way. So don't assume great Polymer or web-components 
knowledge on my end.

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