On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 10:27 AM, 'Rupert Smith' via Elm Discuss <
elm-discuss@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Do you want to set the label when the component is created, or at a later
> time? To do it at create time, set an attribute or property on the componet:
> <my-button label="press me"/>

There is no difference in my mind between "at creation" and "later time"
because of how elm-html works.
>From an API point of view, you will always use something like

myButton [label "press me"] []

In JS you can have a component created and then mutate one of its
properties.  "at creation" and "later time" are more relevant there because
of the imperative nature of JS.
In Elm, everything is declarative. If behind the scenes, the runtime
updates some property instead of recreating the entire node, that's an
implementation detail.

> And to receive custom events, you are going to set up an 'on' handler?
> myButton [ on "custom-event" CustomEvent ] []
Yes, that's the idea (with the small addendum that modules that define
components should also provide custom functions for the events and not
force raw "on" handlers on the consumer of the module).
In order for an event like this to happen, the runtime has to trigger it
somehow based on something that happens in the component.

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