Typed SVG is a fantastic and much needed project so I hope somebody takes 
over. I wonder if elm-community would take it over? I'd be happy to review 
pull requests and do some other light maintenance work, but unfortunately 
can't commit any real time to continue development.

On Monday, 24 April 2017 14:45:57 UTC+1, Duane Johnson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've decided to move on from Elm. I've only been successful in 1 of 3 
> projects. I'm now in a role where I need to make an important decision 
> regarding the transition of a codebase from Angular to something else, and 
> I don't feel like I can responsibly recommend Elm as the replacement. So I 
> need to focus my time and effort elsewhere.
> If someone could please remove me as a moderator of elm-discuss it would 
> be appreciated.
> If anyone is interested in taking the `canadaduane/typed-svg` project 
> over, I'd be happy to help transition it to willing hands.
> Thanks,
> Duane Johnson
> aka canadaduane

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