The number of similar voices regarding community process and amount of
frequently requested missing features/native libraries (like binary support
and better JS interop) show a problem. No matter how amazing and performant
Elm will ever be, newcomers will be discouraged by everlasting begging for
native APIs support.

Does anybody has an idea how other languages/platforms manage to get
community involved? I think it could be beneficial to learn from, for
example Elixir community, and borrow some good practices that could work
for Elm too.

On Tue, 25 Apr 2017 at 05:22, Duane Johnson <> wrote:

> As several have asked, and Peter Damoc kindly reached out off-list, I'll
> post here what I wrote to him. Please know that I do appreciate what
> everyone has worked on, but this hasn't worked for me for the reasons I
> outline. I've started auto-archiving email from elm-discuss, so if you have
> any questions, please reach out to me off-list. Thanks.
> Hi Peter, that's kind of you to follow up off-list.
> I've had several pain points. I'll go over the technical ones first and
> the community ones second.
> In the two (and a half) projects that failed, they failed for different
> reasons but in general, because of JS interop issues. In the first project,
> I was unable to access binary data in order to represent compiled hex blobs
> as visual SVG (see
> I made a use case post here
> In the second case, I was trying to create custom elements that could be
> embedded inside the QuillJS rich text editor--in other words, it wasn't
> enough just to treat Javascript as an external API, I needed to embed elm
> "things" inside a JS component inside elm.
> I made a third attempt to convert an AngularJS app to Elm, but didn't get
> very far in and gave up, in part because of the attitude I've felt from the
> Elm community that components are bad and have no place here (when
> everything I'm seeing in Angular is trying to be more like a component, and
> interact with the world like a component).
> The community aspect that has weighed heavily on me is the feeling that
> I'm not a participant in the decision-making or priority-setting. I feel
> more like a distant user, or maybe an interesting use case, from which data
> is gathered and decisions are made (by someone else, somewhere else).
> I hope that helps!
> Thanks again for your reaching out. I really look up to you and eeue56.
> Take care,
> Duane
> On Monday, April 24, 2017 at 4:31:08 PM UTC-6, Joe Andaverde wrote:
>> Duane,
>> I'm curious what the roadblocks were in the 2 of 3 you didn't have
>> success with? This could definitely help others when making their decision.
>> Also, it may provide helpful feedback to more appropriately prioritize
>> future elm platform development.
>> Thanks!
>> On Monday, April 24, 2017 at 8:45:57 AM UTC-5, Duane Johnson wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've decided to move on from Elm. I've only been successful in 1 of 3
>>> projects. I'm now in a role where I need to make an important decision
>>> regarding the transition of a codebase from Angular to something else, and
>>> I don't feel like I can responsibly recommend Elm as the replacement. So I
>>> need to focus my time and effort elsewhere.
>>> If someone could please remove me as a moderator of elm-discuss it would
>>> be appreciated.
>>> If anyone is interested in taking the `canadaduane/typed-svg` project
>>> over, I'd be happy to help transition it to willing hands.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Duane Johnson
>>> aka canadaduane
>>> --
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