

I have been experiencing some issues with the included CentOS drivers for
the following QLogic card, qle4060c. I have posted about it in the CentOS
forums here:
(all important details can be found there)


What is essentially happening (to the best of my knowledge) is the included
drivers are version However, when I try to install the
CLI management tools from Qlogic it is requesting a more recent driver
version, (or newer). This is where I am stuck.


Attempts to compile a newer driver fail, as outlined in the above post. I am
certain my lack of experience is the root cause of the problem so I am
seeking some assistance in resolving this issue. Here are some specific
questions I have:


1) Before compiling a newer version of a driver is it necessary to remove
any previous versions? Could this be preventing the newer drivers from

2) If 'yes' to above how would I go about removing them?


Thanks for any and all assistance,



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