>>>>> Martin Alsinet <mar...@alsinet.com.ar> writes:

    > #+TITLE: Smart quotes example #+OPTIONS: toc:nil ':t #+LANGUAGE:
    > en #+LATEX_CLASS: book She said to me: "Rick screamed, 'let's go
    > together'"

    > This gets exported to TeX as:

    > She said to me: ``Rick screamed, `let's go together'''

    > Which gets rendered as PDF as:

    > The order of the closing quotes is wrong

    > The order of the closing quotes gets reversed, it first closes the
    > outside double quotes and then the nested single quote.

    > I have tried leaving a space between them, but that is arguably
    > worse

    > Org:

    > She said to me: "Rick screamed, 'let's go together' "

    > TeX:

    > She said to me: ``Rick screamed, `let's go together' "

    > PDF:

    > Internal quotes are ok, closing double quote is wrong

    > In this case, the internal single quotes are rendered correctly,
    > but the closing quote is not converted into its "smart" version.

    > If the nested quotes are in such a way that there are other
    > characters between the quotes, that is they are not together at
    > the start or the end of the quote, they get rendered correctly.

    > Thanks in advance

    > Martin

What about

She said to me: \lq\lq Rick screamed, \lq let's go together\rq\nbsp{}\rq\rq

Colin Baxter

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