Sebastian Miele <> writes:

> Sebastian Miele <> writes:
>> But how about instead changing the first sentence of the "Range
>> references" section from
>>   You may reference a rectangular range of fields by specifying two
>>   field references connected by two dots ‘..’.
>> to
>>   You may reference a rectangular range of fields, including the ends,
>>   by specifying two field references connected by two dots ‘..’.
>> ?
> I think even better would be to just add the following after the
> sentence mentioned above:
>   The ends are included in the range.

Yes, a general statement (outside of this particular example) seems
like a good idea. Then changing the "six" to "nine" does not need any
further elaboration.


"There are only two hard problems in computer science: cache
invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors." -Martin Fowler

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