Strangely, I've come to rely over the last year on org-contacts as a
lightweight, taggable CRM. However, as the file and C-z notes have grown,
performance has really started to drag. I know people have used various
schemes (caching) etc to try to improve performance and the like, but
updates to the file are taking a solid 5 seconds now when making major
updates and moving tags around.

Is there a solid, forked branch anywhere that focuses on enhancing
performance anywhere? I'm tempted to wade in and add features and
improvements myself but my elisp-fu is dodgy at best (more golang these

I'd be interested in what people are doing to speed it up (and if it is
under anything like active development for improvements. It does feel super
handy, and feels like it just needs a performance and more modern features
overhaul - more on interoperability and less on in-emacs interoperability.).

Would love to hear what people have done overall workflow wise if they are
using it seriously.


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