Hi Daryl,

Daryl Manning <dwm+orgm...@wakatara.com> writes:

> Is there a solid, forked branch anywhere that focuses on enhancing
> performance anywhere?

Note that I'm aware of, but I don't use org-contacts.el, so maybe
other will have more information.

> I'm tempted to wade in and add features and improvements myself but
> my elisp-fu is dodgy at best (more golang these days.).

I'm copying Julien, the original author of org-contacts.el, to check
if he plans to maintain org-contacts.el further and if he's okay for
someone to take over.

That someone could be you: better to have a maintainer than no one.

Also, org-contacts.el is part of the "contrib/" directory in Org's
repository and soon after 9.4 we will strip this directory out of the
org-mode.git repo, so having someone taking care of individual contrib
packages would be really appreciated.

> I'd be interested in what people are doing to speed it up (and if it
> is under anything like active development for improvements. It does
> feel super handy, and feels like it just needs a performance and more
> modern features overhaul - more on interoperability and less on
> in-emacs interoperability.).

I'm afraid most tricks will be general Org tricks, no directly related
to the code in org-contacts.el -- but perhaps I'm wrong.



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