On 2020-09-06 22:52, Daryl Manning wrote:
PS> As an outside feature though, interoperability of the org-contact
formats with other operating system address books, most notable gnome
contacts/evolution, goog contacts, and OSX address book would be high
on my list in terms of improving org-contacts though. (eg, raw,
structued info in all address books, and say perhaps notes or similar
maintained and synced in ome manner.

Hi Daryl,

Good topic.

This is essentially the main reason I don't use org-contacts, even
though I have become a heavy Orgmode/Emacs user for almost everything
else over the past few years.

In my case, it's the Contacts on my Android phone, which seems to me
to be the primary place where I find myself adding/removing/editing my
contacts.  In my view, there /must/ be reliable and proper (/two-way/)
sync between the two.  Since that doesn't exist (that I am aware of)
my Android phone won out over org-contacts so far.

I haven't looked into it in a while, but at one point I thought that
using some common and open format would be the best idea.  Something
like CardDAV.

I actually had it working (syncing) with my NextCloud instance when I
had that up and running, but for me NextCloud proved to be to "heavy"
in general so I moved away from it, preferring instead lighter weight
tools to do the same things.  And so far I only implemented Syncthing
for the syncing part, and nothing for the CalDAV/CardDAV part (yet)
although I have had my eye on Radicale already for a while.

Maybe you know all this already, I'm just adding my $0.02.


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