Hi Timothy,

thanks for all your work!

The only variant that I like is 2-1.

Also, let's remove the mini-unicorn in the top bar, it is redundant
and reminds me of the opening of IT Crowd.


For the translations, as discussed IRL, we don't need to translate
everything, perhaps just the index page would do.

Let me restate some of the directions I shared with you privately:

- I believe there are too many pages: I'd love the website to be just
  one HTML page.  Rich contents should go to Worg and yes, we need to
  upgrade Worg's design too. Let's try moving such contents to Worg as
  soon as we can -- but this is not a blocker for the switch.

- For the manual, I'd prefer to use the same design that the one used
  on the gnu.org website:


  The proposed one (https://orgmode.tecosaur.com/manual) looks good
  but it is too fancy and too narrow.  This is a blocker.

That's all for me -- thanks again!  Happy to help with the switch
when blockers are behind us.


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