Timothy E Chapman <tecos...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Bastien,
> Just remembered I haven't addressed everything you mentioned here.
> Bastien <b...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> Also, let's remove the mini-unicorn in the top bar, it is redundant
>> and reminds me of the opening of IT Crowd.
> Ah yes, I see the resemblance :P I'm not sure this is a good idea though, as
> while this can be seen as redundant on the homepage, the navbar is used on
> every page. Considering that this is a site to help people learn about Org,
> I think that the visual consistency of having it on every page, and
> how that helps reinforce the association between Org and that logo is worth 
> it.
> Having it regularly appear should help it stick.
>> - I believe there are too many pages: I'd love the website to be just
>>   one HTML page.  Rich contents should go to Worg and yes, we need to
>>   upgrade Worg's design too. Let's try moving such contents to Worg as
>>   soon as we can -- but this is not a blocker for the switch.

It seems a good idea more simple is better. There are many bootstrap
free web designs, it's a good idea for responsive, I'm using this idea
for damegender.net, damewebutils.davidam.com and
damelibraries.davidam.com. My website (davidam.com) is not using
bootstrap and I'm happy with mobiles, too.

> I think a single page might be a bit further than ideal, as I see it a
> 'core' of static pages
> for orgmode.org would be
>  - index/homepage
>  - features
>  - quickstart
>  - install

Yes, it sounds a good idea. I would add documentation (manuals, worg)
and community (irc, mailing lists, emacswiki, https://emacs.stackexchange.com/,
telegram, meetups, ...)

> How does that sound to you? Of course, all of this migration to Worg
> can happen after an iniIal switch.
>> - For the manual, I'd prefer to use the same design that the one used
>>   on the gnu.org website:
> This is quite easy (and not actually part of this branch), I think we
> just need to pass
> --css-ref "https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual.css";
> to the makeinfo/texi2any/texi2html command in
> https://code.orgmode.org/bzg/org-mode/src/master/doc/Makefile
> All the best,
> Timothy.


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