Hi Bastien,

Just remembered I haven't addressed everything you mentioned here.

Bastien <b...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Also, let's remove the mini-unicorn in the top bar, it is redundant
> and reminds me of the opening of IT Crowd.

Ah yes, I see the resemblance :P I'm not sure this is a good idea though, as
while this can be seen as redundant on the homepage, the navbar is used on
every page. Considering that this is a site to help people learn about Org,
I think that the visual consistency of having it on every page, and
how that helps reinforce the association between Org and that logo is worth it.
Having it regularly appear should help it stick.

> - I believe there are too many pages: I'd love the website to be just
>   one HTML page.  Rich contents should go to Worg and yes, we need to
>   upgrade Worg's design too. Let's try moving such contents to Worg as
>   soon as we can -- but this is not a blocker for the switch.

I think a single page might be a bit further than ideal, as I see it a
'core' of static pages
for orgmode.org would be
 - index/homepage
 - features
 - quickstart
 - install

How does that sound to you? Of course, all of this migration to Worg
can happen after an iniIal switch.

> - For the manual, I'd prefer to use the same design that the one used
>   on the gnu.org website:

This is quite easy (and not actually part of this branch), I think we
just need to pass
--css-ref "https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual.css";
to the makeinfo/texi2any/texi2html command in

All the best,


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