ian martins <ia...@jhu.edu> writes:

>> > It seems that you have changed some classloader settings in the new
>> > code. I have examples which used to work perfectly; now they still
>> > compile, but fail to run, throwing exception
>> >
>> > java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
>> I had some extra time today, so I took a look at ob-java.el. Unless
>> header argument dir is set, java is run in a temporary directory. So I
>> can get around this problem by setting header argument
>> :dir "."
>> which is nice, at least as a workaround.
> You're right that this is a change. I will revert the default
> behaviour. in the meantime you could do something like
> (setq org-babel-default-header-args:java
>       (cons '(:dir . ".")
>             org-babel-default-header-args:java))
> in your init file after loading org to fix it everywhere.

Thanks a bunch, will do.

All the best, and stay safe.


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