
I became quite interested in what Drew Devault was doing with his
Sourcehut project, so I decided to join.  I was really enjoying
everything except for the fact that .org files are not supported insofar
as automatic rendering into nice looking HTML in the same way that
Markdown files are for the README at the root of the project.  And the
official word is that only Markdown is to be supported.[0]

So I start digging into this, my first try was to use
org-md-export-to-markdown function to generate the supported Markdown.
However, doing it that way broke all inter-page links (to headings,
footnotes, etc.).

Some further digging revealed that the ox-md exporter (which itself is
derived from the HTML exporter(?) makes extensive use of the id
attribute in links.  And Sourcehut's HTML sanitizer only allows href and
title attributes (not id).[1]

For example, here are the sort of links that the ox-md exporter create:


1.  [rofi-in-elisp](#orgdbf2274)


<a id="orgdbf2274"></a>

# rofi-in-elisp

Above was copied straight from Eli Schwartz reply to me in my post to
Sourcehut mailing list about this[0] (although I had already noticed the
same thing as well).

I tend to agree with him that this is not following the Markdown spec,
where links should instead become simply:


1.  [rofi-in-elisp](#rofi-in-elisp)

And if so, then the Right Thing to do would be to fix that in the ox-md

However OTOH, I can't help but venture a guess that there must have been
some reason to do it that way in the first place.

So before I invest any more time going down this path, I thought I would
take a step back and seek some advice whether this is actually the
correct path or not?


[0] https://lists.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss/%3Cfe7aa296-9c90-463d-b4e6-50eeb7e57428%40localhost%3E
[1] https://man.sr.ht/markdown/#post-processing

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